Make an Appointment: (785) 615-1995 | [email protected]

  • Anissa Pfannenstiel, LSCSW (she/her)

    Anissa believes that healing is not only possible but part of our nature to want to thrive, not just exist.

    Everyone has had a degree of trauma growing up from the various aspects of human experience impacting the development of self. Everything from culture, society, family dynamics, abuse, adults and caregivers imposing their wounds in ways that create self-doubt, lack of trust in self impact development and ultimately, living a life that lacks clarity and full self-awareness. Often this also results in the nervous system being over-reactive and anxiety, depression and issues with attention, personality and other challenges arising. And here we see the mental health issues becoming noticeable, often causing difficulty leading to uncertainty of who you are and what you want in your life.

    In order to heal, you have to learn to calm your nervous system, process the trauma and to find your true self so that you can embrace your authenticity and live the life of YOUR choice.

    Anissa uses practices such as EMDR, HYPNOTHERAPY, Brainspotting, Somatic Healing, Movement, Meditation/Mindfulness, Poetry, Music, SUNLIGHT, writing, exercise, nutrition for a complete healing plan. Currently practicing QHHT hypnotherapy sessions to get healing in on average of 3 sessions for accelerated and deep healing (non insurance billable). 

    Healing takes COURAGE, EFFORT, VULNERABIILTY and is a beautiful, difficult process. BUT IT IS WORTH it. YOU are worth it. And your world and the world at large will benefit from your efforts of self mastery, compassion and embracing your authentic yourself.

    You must come ready to do the work and make consistent changes in the areas of your life that have been neglected.

    At this time, Anissa only takes limited number of clients and primarily manages practices and is working to create workshops to work with larger groups and support healing in all the best ways possible. 

    In Anissa’s spare time she loves to adventure with her teen son, write poetry and sing music and travels frequently.

    REACH OUT: [email protected]